Our Custom Laser Cutting Systems


Laserod Laser Cutting Systems

For over forty years, Laserod Technologies and its predecessor have built custom laser systems that address the R&D and manufacturing needs of scores of client companies. Laserod began and remains as one of the few laser system integrators whose expertise and problem-solving abilities are  tested every day in our Production Division, which is how we acquire key background knowledge indispensable to building systems that meet the customer’s every expectation.

Laser micro-machining on PCBs requires that materials are either cut through, partially cut through, scored or marked in a very precise and repeatable fashion. BEST has the capability to precisely machine your PCB assemblies and components for marking, rework or production requirements.

From the outset, our engineers work closely with you to define the specifications of your laser micromachining job: the power, wave length, and pulse width of the laser engine; the proper motion control system, whether it be a stage or galvanometer, or both; controllers unique to your situation; mechanical fixturing for enhanced throughput; and software that addresses the specific needs of your job. Nearly every specialized system entails considerable software customization.

In today ‘s world, acquisition and integration of the above components will take months. During that time Laserod’s Production Division works closely with you to optimize those laser parameters perfectly formulated to perform your job(s) when the system is finally installed.

Examples of some of the custom systems produced at Laserod include the following…….

Direct Laser Patterning of transparent conductive coatings on Boeing 787 cockpit windows
This application was developed in our Production Division over a five year span with incremental improvements including a contour-following laser focuser to etch laser lines in coatings on glass or plastic.  The laser was a frequency tripled UV solid-state type and the Z-follower focuser an air-bearing design.

Flexible PCB micromachining

OLED displays, flexible circuit boards, batteries and medical devices typically require some type of flexible circuitry.  PI, PET, and PTFE are the materials used most frequently for these applications.  Using a high speed two axis X/Y galvo beam delivery, combined with a high repetition rate Q switched UV or ultrafast laser, this Laserod customized system delivers production speed laser cutting with very clean edges and little heat affect. The system’s high speed cutting capacity is then paired with a large travel X/Y (400 x 600 mm) step-and-repeat stage to allow for press-a- button and walkaway production.  The laser will then drill via holes of all types, remove teflon above the copper inner layer and cut the final part to size, with no further operator intervention.  Using continuous machine vision from part to part provides inline placement verification to ensure the parts are machined as designed.  This entire process is then repeated in a step and repeat fashion to automatically process  entire panels.

Direct Laser Patterning of touch panel displays

Direct Laser Interference Patterning (DLIP) is a method that implements physical phenomena of interference to produce periodic structures on surfaces by transferring the shape of the pattern directly to the material by selective laser ablation. Systems of this type combine speed near that of a galvo but with the high accuracy of an XY stage, the speed and accuracy coming from linear motors on both an overhead X-stage that goes side-to-side carrying the focusing and viewing optics and a lower part carrying a Y-stage that moves in-and-out. (Galvos are often a good choice for high volume production of the same part while gantries are good for moderately high production, R&D prototyping and for more versatility in parts.) The laser is a choice between high speed IR solid-state fiber type with minimum feature size of 15 microns and UV frequency tripled solid-state diode pumped having minimum features of 10 microns.